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The only way it would be is if the dealer/casino messed up and forgot to reshuffle the shoe. Is Live Dealer Casino Blackjack still worth it? Seeing as how you can’t count cards at a live dealer casino, some players wonder whether it’s still worth it to play at these sites as a counter. Play blackjack as if you were at the casino! This is the MOST POPULAR blackjack game on the store, with millions of players around the world! Learn blackjack 21 with this FREE blackjack game (designed and optimised for iPhone, iPhone X and iPad) featuring play prompts to help hone your blackjack skills and detailed career history to keep track of your wins! The next video is starting stop.
Join the team: you feel like helping out the Youtube click below! Team Sodapoppin Gear!US Store: http://team. Poker, blackjack, dominoes and five finger fillet in RDR2 are different minigames you can play in the game. All of you that like to play gambling games will have many opportunities to play blackjack, dominoes, five finger fillet, and poker in Red Dead Redemption 2.
These days, it seems like regular online blackjack is being replaced in popularity by live dealer casino blackjack. With live dealer blackjack games, you have beautiful women dealing you the cards, and you get to interact with other players too. Essentially, this is the closest you’ll ever come to getting the live casino experience in your living room, which is more than alright with many people.
Live Blackjack Dealer Messed Up Reddit Free
Besides the beautiful dealers and live blackjack atmosphere aspects, another reason why some people flock to live dealer tables is because they think it’s possible to count cards here. And this is definitely an interesting thought because there is a live dealer, and there’s no software shuffling the cards after every hand. That said, it’s worth a closer look to see if live dealer casino blackjack card counting is really possible.
Deck Penetration
We’ve discussed the concept of deck penetration before at BlackjackLife, and this merely refers to how far into a shoe the dealer is before they reshuffle cards. Additionally, this also refers to how deep into the shoe card counters can get before they have confidence in their count. Easily put, the more deck penetration a counter can get, the better chance they have of making profits with their bigger bets.
Relating this back to live dealer casino blackjack, the majority of online casinos instruct their dealers to shuffle the shoe after half of the decks have been dealt. So if it were an eight deck game of blackjack, the dealer would shuffle after around four decks have been dealt. Those who know card counting realize that 50% deck penetration isn’t nearly enough to get a confident count. And this means that profitable live dealer casino blackjack card counting isn’t possible at the vast majority of casinos. The only way it would be is if the dealer/casino messed up and forgot to reshuffle the shoe.
Is Live Dealer Casino Blackjack still worth it?
Live Blackjack Dealer Messed Up Reddit Streams
Seeing as how you can’t count cards at a live dealer casino, some players wonder whether it’s still worth it to play at these sites as a counter. After all, you can’t profitably count cards, so why not just go to a land-based casino?
But this doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy yourself at live dealer casinos while chatting with the hot dealers and fellow players. Furthermore, if you’re new to card counting, you can get some great practice in with live dealer games before the shoe is shuffled. In the end, it’s a nice way to get used to counting cards when a real dealer is dealing the cards.
Poker, blackjack, dominoes and five finger fillet in RDR2 are different minigames you can play in the game. All of you that like to play gambling games will have many opportunities to play blackjack, dominoes, five finger fillet, and poker in Red Dead Redemption 2. The only real catch here is where to find RDR2 gambling games and when they unlock for you. With all of that in mind, our RDR2 Where to Play Poker, Blackjack, Dominoes, Five Finger Fillet guide will answer those questions for you.
Where to Play Poker in Red Dead Redemption 2?
To play poker in Red Dead Redemption 2, there are several places you can visit. A grand total of five poker locations, to be exact. Depending on how far in the game you’ve come, some of those locations might not be open for you just yet. Before we get into the locations, one important side note. Playing poker in RDR2 opens a few missions into Chapter 2. Specifically, starting the mission “Who is Not without Sin” will open poker for you. In fact, that’s when you’ll play your first game of poker.

Anyway, poker locations. The first one is in Flatneck Station. That’s where the aforementioned main-story-mission poker game takes place. Another location is in the town of Valentine, aka what is basically the starting town. The third RDR2 poker location is the center of Saint Denis, in the southeast of the map. You can also play poker in the center of the town of Blackwater, in the east of Great Planes in West Elizabeth. Lastly, later in the game, you’ll be able to play poker in the small settlement of Tumbleweed, way in the west.
EDIT: It seems that you can also play poker at the first camp, the one near Valentine, if you visit your crew at the correct time of day. Thank you to our reader billyjoel for pointing it out.
RDR2 Blackjack Locations – Where to Find?
To find blackjack locations in Red Dead Redemption 2, there are three locations you can go to and play. Blackjack should be available for you starting Chapter 2, just like basically everything else. First off, you can go to the south of the town of Rhodes in the south of Lemoyne. Another location is in Van Horn Trading Post (where you can also find a fence vendor). Van Horn Trading Post is in the east of the map, south of the mining city of Annesburg. The third and final location is Blackwater, in the Great Planes of West Elizabeth. Turns out that Blackwater is something of a gambling capital. As we’ve already mentioned, you can also play poker there, as well as dominoes. Speaking of…
Dominoes Locations Red Dead Redemption 2 – Where to Play?
Live Blackjack Dealer Messed Up Reddit Sites
To play dominoes in Red Dead Redemption 2, you have three locations at your disposal. The one I assume you’re going to run into first is in Saint Denis. You should be able to find it just east of the N in the word Saint. Your second location is at Emerald Station / Emerald Ranch. Last, but most certainly not the least is Blackwater; where, as we’ve said above, you can also play poker and blackjack. The only difference is that you’ll have to go a bit to the southwest to find the dominoes game. Incidentally, much like blackjack, and, as we’ll see, five finger fillet, dominoes will unlock for you from the start of Chapter 2.
Five Finger Fillet – Where to find in RDR2?
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To find a game of Five Finger Fillet in Red Dead Redemption 2, the first place you can look is Valentine, the first town you’re going to come across. Since five finger fillet unlocks in Chapter 2, this is likely the first place you’ll find a game of stabby-fingers. The second location is the Van Horn Trading Post, which you can find in the east, if you head south from the city of Annesburg. Lastly, there’s the city of Strawberry. You can find it in central West Elizabeth, on the banks of Hawks Eye Creek. Now, why anybody would want to play this is beyond me, but hey, different strokes for different folks. Maybe Arthur does indeed have too many fingers.
If you end up getting stuck at another point, you might want to check out some of the other guides we have. We've written about mysteries like the missing person Gavin, the Rhodes Gunsmith prisoner, the locked door at Valentine doctor. We also have instructional guides that show how to rob stores without getting bounty or where to sell jewelry and gold bars. If it's collectibles or key items you're after, we've found all the Penny Dreadful comic books, Chick's treasure map location, or that famous pipe for Dutch. Finally, if you don't care to explore the map yourself, you could take a look at our Watson's Cabin and Catfish Jackson's Homestead locations guides. In the latest Red Dead Online Moonshiners Update you'll have a chance to find Navy Revolver and Best Shack Locations.